Our itinerary will guide visitors through the streets of the old town center of Petralia Sottana discovering the sculptural masterpieces from the Gaginis’ workshop.

  • Let’s start with the Church of the Virgin of the Assumption, that is the Mother Church, which houses a marble Nativity of Gaginis’ school with the Baby Jesus (1526) attributed to Antonello Gagini. Other sculptures with Gaginis’ influence are: Virgin Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul (marble – Giorgio from Milan,1501); Pieta (marble -Francesco del Mastro XVI century).
  • A great masterpiece of the Gaginis’ school is the immense marble altarpiece kept in the Church of the Most Holy Trinity: it is divided into twenty-three panels that depict the life of Christ, and it was realized by Giandomenico Gagini in the XVI century.
  • The high altar of the church of St Mary of the Fountain houses a beautiful marble Madonna and Child attributed to Mancino (XVI century). Other Gaginis’ artworks are: Bas-relief of Eucharistic Christ and the bas-relief of the Pieta, attributed to Francesco del Mastro.
  • We can find another piece attributed to Francesco del Mastro in the Church of St. John the Baptist.
  • In the shrine of Madonna dell’Alto, on the top of Madonna dell’Alto Mountain, in front of the town of Petralia, there is the marble statue of the Madonna dell’Alto dated 1471. The statue, object of great veneration by the inhabitants of the surrounding centers, is attributed to the circle of Domenico Gagini.

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Further information:


Quota Mille Association
Telefono 389 063 5221
E-mail quotamillemadonie@gmail.com

